Do you know that credit card is actually a hidden gem in short-term financing? You use your credit limit available to pay for expenses first and are given a 45 days interest-free period to repay your outstanding amount.
You might argue that – “Credit card is only for entertainment or luxury spending”. – And we totally get it! Well, at least it was the case before.
But as we live in an innovative world, more and more solutions such as jomSETTLE are being developed to broaden the usage of your credit card.
Through our platform, we help credit card holders like you to facilitate payment through your credit card to non-credit card acceptance parties.
Here are some surprising things you didn’t know you can now pay with your credit card:
Your Monthly Loan Payment
Loan expenses such as mortgage, personal loans or hire purchases usually are the biggest expenses of the month and we pay in cash! Today, through jomSETTLE, you can settle all these loan repayments using your credit card and earn some reward points along the way.
Learn more about loan payment here: What is loan and How to Manage Them?
Rent payment to your landlord
Most landlords do not accept cards payment because they do not own the credit card machine unless you got your place through a third party’s services. But if you rent your place through an agent and wish to pay your rent using your credit card, then you can do it through jomSETTLE.
Your Down payment/Deposit (or at least part of it)
Putting down a deposit for a big purchase can be taxing. To reduce your cash burden, you can consider making your deposit payment through your credit available in your credit card first.
Renovating your new house or your existing one is always a big project and your contractors usually only deal in cash. Today, instead of cash payment, you can use your credit card to pay your contractor even if they do not have a credit card machine.
Property Maintenance Fee
If you rent or live in a high-rise building, then maintenance fee is no stranger to you. Even though some buildings started to accept credit card but most do not. If you wish to pay your maintenance fee using credit card but your building does not accept one, then you can pay it through jomSETTLE.
Do you engage a freelancer to design the logo of your new home-based business, or engaged a photographer for your private event? Be it who you engage, you can use your credit card to pay them.
Your Supplier that does not accept credit card (Business Owner)
If you are a business owner, there may be a time when you need more stocks in advance, especially during seasonal time. But at the same time, you still required a fair amount of cash to maintain your business operations. Then at this point, you can now choose to use your credit card to pay your supplier first, thus financing your business for up to 45 days.
Salary (Business Owner)
As a business owner myself, these are the payment that we need to worry about monthly because our team’s welfare is above everything. Sometimes, we have unforeseen circumstances such as delayed payment from the customers and so on. So, if you ever experience that time again, you can pay your staff salary first using your credit card.
With jomSETTLE, credit card usage become limitless and is not only for entertainment or luxury spending. How you want to use it is now up to you. We do charge a 2.5% transaction fee per usage but that can be easily offset with the credit card reward points that you earn.
See how our user got a London flight ticket for his son by paying his property payment through credit card here.
How to start paying all these fees?
Before you start paying all these fees, you need to create an account with jomSETTLE. We do not charge any sign-up fees or monthly fees – it’s completely free. All you have to do is sign up and fill out some basic information during the registration process.
Here is a simple step on how to get started:
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Do you know that credit card is actually a hidden gem in short-term financing? You use your credit limit available to pay for expenses first and are given a 45 days interest-free period to repay your outstanding amount.
You might argue that – “Credit card is only for entertainment or luxury spending”. – And we totally get it! Well, at least it was the case before.
But as we live in an innovative world, more and more solutions such as jomSETTLE are being developed to broaden the usage of your credit card.
Through our platform, we help credit card holders like you to facilitate payment through your credit card to non-credit card acceptance parties.
Here are some surprising things you didn’t know you can now pay with your credit card:
Your Monthly Loan Payment
Loan expenses such as mortgage, personal loans or hire purchases usually are the biggest expenses of the month and we pay in cash! Today, through jomSETTLE, you can settle all these loan repayments using your credit card and earn some reward points along the way.
Learn more about loan payment here: What is loan and How to Manage Them?
Rent payment to your landlord
Your Down payment/Deposit (or at least part of it)
Renovating your new house or your existing one is always a big project and your contractors usually only deal in cash. Today, instead of cash payment, you can use your credit card to pay your contractor even if they do not have a credit card machine.
Property Maintenance Fee
If you rent or live in a high-rise building, then maintenance fee is no stranger to you. Even though some buildings started to accept credit card but most do not. If you wish to pay your maintenance fee using credit card but your building does not accept one, then you can pay it through jomSETTLE.
Do you engage a freelancer to design the logo of your new home-based business, or engaged a photographer for your private event? Be it who you engage, you can use your credit card to pay them.
Your Supplier that does not accept credit card (Business Owner)
If you are a business owner, there may be a time when you need more stocks in advance, especially during seasonal time. But at the same time, you still required a fair amount of cash to maintain your business operations. Then at this point, you can now choose to use your credit card to pay your supplier first, thus financing your business for up to 45 days.
Salary (Business Owner)
As a business owner myself, these are the payment that we need to worry about monthly because our team’s welfare is above everything. Sometimes, we have unforeseen circumstances such as delayed payment from the customers and so on. So, if you ever experience that time again, you can pay your staff salary first using your credit card.
With jomSETTLE, credit card usage become limitless and is not only for entertainment or luxury spending. How you want to use it is now up to you. We do charge a 2.5% transaction fee per usage but that can be easily offset with the credit card reward points that you earn.
See how our user got a London flight ticket for his son by paying his property payment through credit card here.
How to start paying all these fees?
Before you start paying all these fees, you need to create an account with jomSETTLE. We do not charge any sign-up fees or monthly fees – it’s completely free. All you have to do is sign up and fill out some basic information during the registration process.
Here is a simple step on how to get started:
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To create a better experience for you, we are upgrading our system, and as a result, the payment and acceptance services will be temporarily unavailable.