Before we get into how credit cards can help your business pay for any of your business expenses, let’s take a look at the current situation in 2021. This year might possess a new challenge for many of us as some might have lost our jobs, lost our business, or even downsized our business as there is not much money to cover the entire expenses. With the current vaccination program coming in, hopefully, it can revive the economy and also our business.
Nonetheless, because the restrictions are still in place, the recovery process will undoubtedly take some time. If everything goes as planned, the businesses can return to normal operations. However, it is not as simple as it appears. There are still loans to be paid, and other financial responsibilities go as usual. With the current moratorium is ending, this could be worse for us.
jomSETTLE™: A New Way of Making Payment
With jomSETTLE™, you can pay any of your business expenses using your credit card without requiring a credit card terminal, payment gateway, or website. jomSETTLE™ is a platform that allows you to pay your rent, supplier invoices, freelancer, contractor and many more via credit cards, which many generally do not allow. This helps your business to keep more cash in hand longer, reducing any financial stress you may be experiencing. Essentially, you can reserve your cash in hand for other financial obligations, for future business expansion, or in the event of emergencies.
As a business owner, maintaining your business entirely using your cash during these times could be tough for you. Hence paying your business expenses could help you to stay afloat. This way, you can use your business cash to cover other daily business operations. Making a payment with a credit card also saves you time as there is no approval time like when you apply for loans. Plus, the interest fee jomSETTLE™ charges you are only a one-time transaction fee, rather than an annual fee.
Why credit card you might ask? One of the benefits that credit cards possess is that you get to manage business cash flow better. Moreover, for every payment you made using your credit card, you are eligible to earn rewards such as points, air miles, or even cash back. If you are a fan of rewards – this could be an advantage to you.
How Credit Card Can Help Your Business Stay Afloat
Managing your company’s cash float is an important aspect of cash management. If you pay any business expenses with a credit card, you will have an additional 45 days of interest-free time before the bank statement is due. So, during these 45 days, it helps your business stay afloat while using the cash reserve to cover day-to-day operations. As a result, use the extra days of cash float to generate income and repay the credit you used. This can help you sustain your business while also giving you complete control over your cash flow.
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Before we get into how credit cards can help your business pay for any of your business expenses, let’s take a look at the current situation in 2021. This year might possess a new challenge for many of us as some might have lost our jobs, lost our business, or even downsized our business as there is not much money to cover the entire expenses. With the current vaccination program coming in, hopefully, it can revive the economy and also our business.
With the current vaccination program coming in, hopefully, it can revive the economy and also our business. If everything went perfectly fine, this means that the businesses can start operating as usual. However, it’s not as easy as it seems. There are still loans to be paid, and other financial responsibilities go as usual. With the current moratorium is ending, this could be worse for us.
jomSETTLE™: A New Way of Making Payment
With jomSETTLE™, you can pay any of your business expenses using your credit card without requiring a credit card terminal, payment gateway, or website. jomSETTLE™ is a platform that allows you to pay your rent, supplier invoices, freelancer, contractor and many more via credit cards, which many generally do not allow. This helps your business to keep more cash in hand longer, reducing any financial stress you may be experiencing. Essentially, you can reserve your cash in hand for other financial obligations, for future business expansion, or in the event of emergencies.
As a business owner, maintaining your business entirely using your cash during these times could be tough for you. Hence paying your business expenses could help you to stay afloat. This way, you can use your business cash to cover other daily business operations. Making a payment with a credit card also saves you time as there is no approval time like when you apply for loans. Plus, the interest fee jomSETTLE™ charges you are only a one-time transaction fee, rather than an annual fee.
Why credit card you might ask? One of the benefits that credit cards possess is that you get to manage business cash flow better. Moreover, for every payment you made using your credit card, you are eligible to earn rewards such as points, air miles, or even cash back. If you are a fan of rewards – this could be an advantage to you.
How Credit Card Can Help Your Business Stay Afloat
Managing your company’s cash float is an important aspect of cash management. If you pay any business expenses with a credit card, you will have an additional 45 days of interest-free time before the bank statement is due. So, during these 45 days, it helps your business stay afloat while using the cash reserve to cover day-to-day operations. As a result, use the extra days of cash float to generate income and repay the credit you used. This can help you sustain your business while also giving you complete control over your cash flow.
Get started now
To get started, simply follow the few simple steps and prepared the following documents:
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