Owning a house is no doubt a major milestone in our life, it is an accomplishment yet a lifetime repayment process.
For the past week, I have been talking to my peep regarding mortgage payments and what shocked me is that most of them are still paying their mortgages using their cash in hand. Yes, paying your mortgage with cash does get the job done. But as we live in a world where innovation happened constantly and coming from a Fintech industry, I had to share with them a new payment method – which is to pay mortgage using credit card through jomSETTLE.
Of course, they then bombarded me with questions just like what you are thinking right now.
Why Should I Pay Mortgage with Credit Card?
At this point, you are probably wondering – Why should I pay my mortgage with credit card when I can just use my cash?
Well, here you go:
Rack Up Your Credit Card Reward Points
Usually, we use our credit card for expenses around RM50 to RM300 per purchase, maybe earning around 1,000++ points a month. By moving your mortgage payment to your credit card, you are basically earning 2x or 3x points more per month. Believe me, after 6 or 12 months, you will see the difference with the items that you can redeem using those points.
Read how our user manages to redeem air tickets with the points that he earned here.
Avoid Late Payment
Ever at the point where you know you do not have enough cash flow to pay for your mortgage this month? But at the same time, you know there is payment coming in a few weeks later. Then, by paying your mortgage with credit card, you can solve this issue. You can tap into your pre-approved credit limit to pay for your mortgage first to avoid any late payments. When your payment is in a few weeks later, you can then use it to repay your credit card.
In simple terms, we use the pre-approved credit limit to make payments before actually using our cash.
How to Pay Mortgage with Credit Card
In order to pay your mortgage with your credit card, you will need to create an account with jomSETTLE. You then fill up the details of your loan and attach the supporting document (loan agreement). We will charge 2.5% transaction fee during your checkout process and we will make the bank transfer to your bank within 3 working days upon successful payment.
For details instructions, you can follow the steps below:
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Owning a house is no doubt a major milestone in our life, it is an accomplishment yet a lifetime repayment process.
For the past week, I have been talking to my peep regarding mortgage payments and what shocked me is that most of them are still paying their mortgages using their cash in hand. Yes, paying your mortgage with cash does get the job done. But as we live in a world where innovation happened constantly and coming from a Fintech industry, I had to share with them a new payment method – which is to pay mortgage using credit card through jomSETTLE.
Of course, they then bombarded me with questions just like what you are thinking right now.
Why Should I Pay Mortgage with Credit Card?
At this point, you are probably wondering – Why should I pay my mortgage with credit card when I can just use my cash?
Well, here you go:
Usually, we use our credit card for expenses around RM50 to RM300 per purchase, maybe earning around 1,000++ points a month. By moving your mortgage payment to your credit card, you are basically earning 2x or 3x points more per month. Believe me, after 6 or 12 months, you will see the difference with the items that you can redeem using those points.
Read how our user manages to redeem air tickets with the points that he earned here.
Ever at the point where you know you do not have enough cash flow to pay for your mortgage this month? But at the same time, you know there is payment coming in a few weeks later. Then, by paying your mortgage with credit card, you can solve this issue. You can tap into your pre-approved credit limit to pay for your mortgage first to avoid any late payments. When your payment is in a few weeks later, you can then use it to repay your credit card.
In simple terms, we use the pre-approved credit limit to make payments before actually using our cash.
How to Pay Mortgage with Credit Card?
In order to pay your mortgage with your credit card, you will need to create an account with jomSETTLE. You then fill up the details of your loan and attach the supporting document (loan agreement). We will charge 2.5% transaction fee during your checkout process and we will make the bank transfer to your bank within 3 working days upon successful payment.
For details instructions, you can follow the steps below:
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