If you are one those people that does not bother about the credit score, you probably only ever think about it when you find yourself in need of a loan be it a personal loan, car loan, property loan, or even credit card. If you just started applying for one and are not familiar with the credit score, then you should stay and read this whole article about it.
You should know that it is credit score is extremely important because overall, it is what stands between you and the bank’s decision when it comes to getting approval for a loan or credit card that you just applied for. So, in this article, we will talk about what is credit score and what you do that will affect it.
What is a credit score, and how it affects your overall credit?
Your credit score reflects your credit risk. It consists of a number or score ranging from 300 to 850. In this case, a higher credit score means a lower risk. Having a good credit score can be very beneficial for you because most banks and bank issuers will view you as a prime customer because they know you value budgeting. It also improve your chances of getting a loan, as well as get you better interest rates and faster loan approval.
Not only that, but it’s also crucial to keep in mind that the negative information and poor financial history on your credit report will have a significant impact on your credit score. If you have always late in making your payment, banks or other financial institutions may not be tolerant.
It shows that you are not handling your financial obligations responsibly. Maintaining a regular monthly repayment schedule keeps your credit score positive. Therefore, be sure to pay all of your bills on time.
How to check your credit score?
In Malaysia, you can check your credit score at two places: CCRIS, which is managed by the Credit Bureau of Bank Negara, and CTOS, one of Malaysia’s leading Credit Reporting Agencies (CRA). So, in this article, I’ll primarily use CTOS to explain how to understand your essential financial history when checking your credit history.
For more information about CTOS, you can click here.
💡Why is a credit score important?
How is your credit score calculated?
Your score is based on information gathered from CCRIS and CTOS. The following factors are taken into consideration when calculating your credit score:
Payment Behaviour
When it comes to your credit score, this is the most important factor. It accounts for 45% of the total score. So make sure that you pay your bills on time.
Amount Owed
This is the second most important factor, accounting for 20% of your total credit score. It is the total amount of credit you owe to banks as well as the number of loans you have. The more you have could hurt your credit score.
Credit history
The duration of your credit agreement (loan or credit card) affects 7% of your credit score.
Credit Mix
This refers to the types of loans and credit cards you have, and it accounts for 14% of your overall score. Secured loans include mortgages and auto loans, whereas unsecured loans include credit cards and personal loans. It is a good idea to have different types of debt because it will improve your credit score.
New loans
The remaining 14% is from any recently approved credit lines. This may be detrimental because it reduces your ability to borrow if you pay late or default. However, this is only a temporary situation that can be easily remedied if you consistently pay on time.
People often thought that credit score is complicated and difficult to understand. Thus, a lot people tend to overlook it. Credit scores are far less complicated than most people believe.
We overthink credit a lot. You should be fine as long as you pay your bills on time, keep your balances as low as possible, and avoid applying for too much credit too frequently. Those things are easier said than done, especially keeping balances low, but if you can manage them, you’ll be on your way to a lifetime of good credit.
If you want tips on how to build a good credit, click here.
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If you are one those people that does not bother about the credit score, you probably only ever think about it when you find yourself in need of a loan be it a personal loan, car loan, property loan, or even credit card. If you just started applying for one and are not familiar with the credit score, then you should stay and read this whole article about it.
You should know that it is credit score is extremely important because overall, it is what stands between you and the bank’s decision when it comes to getting approval for a loan or credit card that you just applied for. So, in this article, we will talk about what is credit score and what you do that will affect it.
What is a credit score, and how it affects your overall credit?
Your credit score reflects your credit risk. It consists of a number or score ranging from 300 to 850. In this case, a higher credit score means a lower risk. Having a good credit score can be very beneficial for you because most banks and bank issuers will view you as a prime customer because they know you value budgeting. A good credit score can improve your chances of getting a loan, as well as get you better interest rates and faster loan approval.
Not only that, but it’s also crucial to keep in mind that the negative information and poor financial history on your credit report will have a significant impact on your credit score. If you have always late in making your payment, banks or other financial institutions may not be tolerant.
It shows that you are not handling your financial obligations responsibly. Maintaining a regular monthly repayment schedule keeps your credit score positive. Therefore, be sure to pay all of your bills on time.
How to check your credit score?
In Malaysia, you can check your credit score at two places: CCRIS, which is managed by the Credit Bureau of Bank Negara, and CTOS, one of Malaysia’s leading Credit Reporting Agencies (CRA). So, in this article, I’ll primarily use CTOS to explain how to understand your essential financial history when checking your credit history.
For more information about CTOS, you can click here.
💡Why is a credit score important?
How is your credit score calculated?
Your score is based on information gathered from CCRIS and CTOS. The following factors are taken into consideration when calculating your credit score:
Payment Behaviour
When it comes to your credit score, this is the most important factor. It accounts for 45% of the total score. So make sure that you pay your bills on time.
Amount Owed
This is the second most important factor, accounting for 20% of your total credit score. It is the total amount of credit you owe to banks as well as the number of loans you have. The more you have could hurt your credit score.
Credit history
The duration of your credit agreement (loan or credit card) affects 7% of your credit score.
Credit Mix
This refers to the types of loans and credit cards you have, and it accounts for 14% of your overall score. Secured loans include mortgages and auto loans, whereas unsecured loans include credit cards and personal loans. It is a good idea to have different types of debt because it will improve your credit score.
New loans
The remaining 14% is from any recently approved credit lines. This may be detrimental because it reduces your ability to borrow if you pay late or default. However, this is only a temporary situation that can be easily remedied if you consistently pay on time.
People often thought that credit score is complicated and difficult to understand. Thus, a lot people tend to overlook it. Credit scores are far less complicated than most people believe.
We overthink credit a lot. You should be fine as long as you pay your bills on time, keep your balances as low as possible, and avoid applying for too much credit too frequently. Those things are easier said than done, especially keeping balances low, but if you can manage them, you’ll be on your way to a lifetime of good credit.
If you want tips on how to build a good credit, click here.
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