Before you start reading, if you think your business transaction volume per month is low because you are in the service provider line or running a stockist model or it is not worth to be spending hundreds of Ringgits to apply for credit card machine or payment gateway, I assured you, that this article is JUST RIGHT FOR YOU.
Based on 2021 data collected from Statista, 27% of all payments in Malaysia were made by credit card, placing second below cash at 39%. As credit card preferred payment methods increase from 21% in 2019 to 27% in 2021, we can conclude since the pandemic, consumers are more conscious of spending their cash in hand.
This means if you are a small business providing services and you are not accepting credit card payments yet, you are missing out a lot here.
But before we go into the solution, let us dive into the benefits of why you should accept credit card payments as a small business.
The Benefit of Accepting Credit Card Payments as Small Businesses
You get paid faster
As a small business in the service provider line, be it coaching, offering professional services, or even selling offline without a website, you will have experienced delayed payment from your customer. This is just a natural process because you will need to create an invoice, send it out and wait for your customer to respond, and then maybe another 1 or 2 days to make the payment.
However, when your customer can pay you directly using their credit card from a payment link (with invoice attached), you can reduce the processing time. In another word, it improves your cash flow and theirs.
It increases your customer buying power
People tend to spend more when credit card payment option is available during purchase. Let me give you a simple analogy. Let’s say your customer has RM1,000 budgeted to engage your professional services that offered a gold package of RM800 and a Premium package at RM1,100. If you only offer cash payment, your customer will naturally go for the gold package instead of the Premium package even though the difference is only RM100 extra from his budget.
On the other hand, they will most likely go for the Premium package when they can pay with their credit card because they will have up to 45 days of interest-free time to pay back their credit card. This will give him enough time to source another RM100 to add to his initial budget without putting him in a situation where he overspends his budget if he were to pay with cash.
Your customers get value from the credit card offer
Credit card always comes with either reward points, air miles, or cashback. It is an inseparable pair. So, for every ringgit they spend with you, they will earn something back in return. This will increase their satisfaction with your business.
Now that we have covered the benefits, as my promise to you early in the article, I will show how you can accept credit card payments at ease whether you have a high or low transaction volume per month.
jomSETTLE Request Payment
jomSETTLE Request Payment was one of our services created to help businesses like you to collect credit card payments without the need for a credit card machine or payment gateway. You can simply send them a payment link with invoice attached and your customer can pay you straight from their credit card.
How It Work
(Navigate the slide to see how it work)
We understand that cost is a major factor for a business and to apply for a traditional credit card machine or payment gateway requires registration cost. The only question here is why pay to get paid right?
So, our registration is FREE and there is NO monthly maintenance cost whatsoever. We charge based on ‘Pay Per Use’ module, only a 2.5% transaction fee per successful payment.
The best part is that you can choose who to bear (you or your customer) the 2.5% transaction fee with our ‘Fee Toggle’ features.
So, with no extra cost to you and easy onboarding within 24 hours (all done online from the safety of your home), your businesses can accept credit card payments anytime, from anywhere.
I do hope that I managed to provide you with a solution for accepting credit card payments as small businesses and it does not come with a huge cost, in fact, ZERO cost except for a successful attempt.
You can learn more about jomSETTLE Request Payment here or you can register your account following the steps below.
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Before you start reading, if you think your business transaction volume per month is low because you are in the service provider line or running a stockist model or it is not worth to be spending hundreds of Ringgits to apply for credit card machine or payment gateway, I assured you, that this article is JUST RIGHT FOR YOU.
Based on 2021 data collected from Statista, 27% of all payments in Malaysia were made by credit card, placing second below cash at 39%. As credit card preferred payment methods increase from 21% in 2019 to 27% in 2021, we can conclude since the pandemic, consumers are more conscious of spending their cash in hand.
This means if you are a small business providing services and you are not accepting credit card payments yet, you are missing out a lot here.
But before we go into the solution, let us dive into the benefits of why you should accept credit card payments as a small business.
The Benefit of Accepting Credit Card Payments as Small Businesses
As a small business in the service provider line, be it coaching, offering professional services, or even selling offline without a website, you will have experienced delayed payment from your customer. This is just a natural process because you will need to create an invoice, send it out and wait for your customer to respond, and then maybe another 1 or 2 days to make the payment.
However, when your customer can pay you directly using their credit card from a payment link (with invoice attached), you can reduce the processing time. In another word, it improves your cash flow and theirs.
People tend to spend more when credit card payment option is available during purchase. Let me give you a simple analogy. Let’s say your customer has RM1,000 budgeted to engage your professional services that offered a gold package of RM800 and a Premium package at RM1,100. If you only offer cash payment, your customer will naturally go for the gold package instead of the Premium package even though the difference is only RM100 extra from his budget.
On the other hand, they will most likely go for the Premium package when they can pay with their credit card because they will have up to 45 days of interest-free time to pay back their credit card. This will give him enough time to source another RM100 to add to his initial budget without putting him in a situation where he overspends his budget if he were to pay with cash.
Credit card always comes with either reward points, air miles, or cashback. It is an inseparable pair. So, for every ringgit they spend with you, they will earn something back in return. This will increase their satisfaction with your business.
Now that we have covered the benefits, as my promise to you early in the article, I will show how you can accept credit card payments at ease whether you have a high or low transaction volume per month.
jomSETTLE Request Payment
jomSETTLE Request Payment was one of our services created to help businesses like you to collect credit card payments without the need for a credit card machine or payment gateway. You can simply send them a payment link with invoice attached and your customer can pay you straight from their credit card.
How It Work
(Swipe right to see how it work)
We understand that cost is a major factor for a business and to apply for a traditional credit card machine or payment gateway requires registration cost. The only question here is why pay to get paid right?
So, our registration is FREE and there is NO monthly maintenance cost whatsoever. We charge based on ‘Pay Per Use’ module, only a 2.5% transaction fee per successful payment.
The best part is that you can choose who to bear (you or your customer) the 2.5% transaction fee with our ‘Fee Toggle’ features.
So, with no extra cost to you and easy onboarding within 24 hours (all done online from the safety of your home), your businesses can accept credit card payments anytime, from anywhere.
I do hope that I managed to provide you with a solution for accepting credit card payments as small businesses and it does not come with a huge cost, in fact, ZERO cost except for a successful attempt.
You can learn more about jomSETTLE Request Payment here or you can register your account following the steps below.
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To create a better experience for you, we are upgrading our system, and as a result, the payment and acceptance services will be temporarily unavailable.